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Wingz Script | 1989-06-13 | 7.2 KB | 158 lines | [WZSC/WNGZ] |
- CoPilotT
- Times
- BIous
- C
- Copyright, 1989 Informix Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Times
- U This is a Beta Version. Please use only width Finder (and not with MultiFinder.)
- Times
- Designer: Steve Cloutier
- Times
- :Demo5
- Sounds
- StoreDem
- StoreDem
- SheetT8
- Sheet
- Sounds
- Sounds
- Sheet9
- StoreDem
- )Cannot find demonstration startup sheet "
- Setup Demo
- call SD:SetupDemo()
- ReStart Demo
- call sd:RestartDemo()
- Demo Choices
- call sd:InitDemo()
- About Demo
- call sd:AboutDemo()
- End Demo
- call SD:EndDemo()
- 1.0 b3
- Fonts
- Compile SD
- "run script ":SDSource:BuildSD.src"
- Compile SD
- %run script ":SDSource:BuildSD nt.src"
- Show Notes
- Hide Notes
- Can't find file "
- sd:DemoCancel = ctvalue(2,0)
- Stop Demonstration
- Continue Demonstration
- Cancel@
- sd:DontRun = 1
- $call sd:InitContols() sd:DontRun = 0
- !Pause interval length in seconds:
- +333333
- Continuous Demo Loop
- Pause at End of Demo
- Demo Type
- Wingz Demo Choices:
- Times
- BIous
- Use Sound Effects
- Sounds
- Sounds
- Debug SD
- Debug SD9
- Script01
- Script02
- Script03
- Script04
- Script05
- Script06
- Script07
- Script08
- Script09
- Script10
- Script11
- Sounds
- StoreDem
- AboutDemo
- SoundLoaded
- WindowIn
- CantFind
- MakeBaseName
- SaveRunTime
- MasterControl
- SDfolder
- scriptfolder
- winII
- winSE
- WinAlign
- CancelDemo
- InitDemo
- RestartDemo
- ContinuousDemo
- Segway
- MakeSound
- gowindow
- SDOpen
- SDloaded
- sheetfolder
- scriptfolder
- SDfolder
- scr_width
- scr_height
- the_computer
- xoffset
- yoffset
- win_scale
- fontfolder
- first
- DemoRunning
- DemoCancel
- ContinuousDemo
- MasterControl
- SDInited
- Segway
- BoxWidth
- BoxHeight
- DemoFile
- MaxFiles
- version
- ColorScreen
- MakeSound
- loopnum
- SoundLoaded
- DontRun
- SaveRunTime
- MainLoop
- SDCheckFile
- SDNotice5
- AboutDemoO
- DemoFileName
- RestartDemo
- MakeSheetName
- MakeBaseName^
- EndDemo
- MakeFontName
- MakeScriptName
- SetupDemo
- SDInitq
- SDMenus
- SDOpenz
- SDGetScript
- SDRunScript_
- gowindow
- gowindowcalc,
- goback
- ShowNote
- winII
- winSE
- WinAlignr
- WindowIn
- CantFind]
- CancelDemo
- LoopDemo
- InitContols0
- InitDemow
- StoreDemo
- BoxMove
- DoSound